19 Oct 2010

He Cares...

19 Oct 2010
Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you.  I Peter 5:7
Maybe you don’t want to trouble God with your hurts.  After all, he’s got famines and pestilence and wars; he won’t care about my little struggles, you think. 
Why don’t you let him decide that?  He cared enough about a wedding to provide the wine.  He cared enough about Peter’s tax payment to give him a coin.  He cared enough about the woman at the well to give her answers. 

From Max Lucado Daily

So, the conclusion is, He cares about you and me~
But the problem is, are you willing to let down all your burdens onto Him?
Sometimes people are having a hard time not because of what, but because they do not leave their burdens onto our Lord..
You wanna solve everything using your own power and strength?
It's not impossible, but it will be tough..and one day, you will find yourself totally exhausted!
Why don't leave everything to God and rest in Him when you can do so?
Remember, we are all creations of God, who can manage our things well other than the God that create us? No one!